Admitted Student Days

Admitted Student Visit Day, an optional visit exclusively reserved for admitted seniors, offers an in-depth look at campus that provides an opportunity to see campus before making a final commitment and attending official Orientation this summer. Parents/family members are welcome to attend, and there will even be a session just for you! Activities available to you include the following:
  • Student-to-student sessions for future and current Blugolds to connect
  • Parent and family discussion session
  • Academic session with faculty from your area of study
  • Campus tour
  • Residence hall tours
Wondering what the difference is between the visits that start at 9:00 and the visits that start at 10:30? 
While both sessions will give you a chance to participate in the main activities – the student-to-student and parent/family sessions, the academic session with faculty, and a campus tour – there are a lot of open houses and additional opportunities available. The 9:00 a.m. session will give you extra time to see and do everything you want to during your visit.